Child’s First Name
Child’s Last Name
Centre BridgeDiefenbakerErringtonFerrisGrauerJessie WowkMaple LaneMcKinneySpul’u’kwuksWestwindMacCorkindale
This letter is to provide Tomorrow's Topkids formal written notice of withdrawal. Yes, I am providing written notice of withdrawal
I agree to provide a minimum of one (1) month's written notice, or payment in lieu of notice, to withdraw my child from the centre or to change their status of care. Notice must be received no later than the 1st of the prior month. For example, withdrawal notice for this upcoming September must be received no later than August 1st. Withdrawal Notice provided on August 2nd or later would be applied to October, and the September fee will be processed. >. Yes, I agree to provide the minimum required amount of notice
Richmond and Vancouver: Vacancies which occur after April are difficult to fill. The fees for May/June will be required if we receive written notice after April 1st of the school year. To secure a current child's space for the upcoming school year, the June fee is required. TTK will not be accepting withdrawal notices after April 1st for the current school year. Yes, I understand the May and June fees will be processed if I provide written withdrawal notice after April 1st
Spul'u'kwuks: Vacancies which occur after May are difficult to fill. The fees for June/July will be required if we receive written notice after May 1st of the school year. To secure a current child's space for the upcoming school year, the July fee is required. TTK will not be accepting withdrawal notices after May 1st for the current school year.Yes, I understand the June and July fees will be processed if I provide written withdrawal notice after May 1st
I understand that notice for September must be received no later than August 1st or the September fee will be processed. Yes, I understand September notice must be provided no later than August 1st
I understand that once this form has been received and processed, I will receive written confirmation of my child's withdrawal, and that this may take approximately 5 business days. Yes, I understand
Reason (please put N/A if you would like to skip this question):
Email Address:
By evidence of my signature, I do hereby authorize Tomorrow’s Topkids Child Care Society to withdraw my child from care.
**Electronic Signature of Parent/Guardian
I understand checking this box constitutes a legal signature that I acknowledge and agree to the above terms Yes