Child Pick Up and Absences
Children WILL NOT be released to persons who are not listed on the registration form without prior written authorization from the parent/guardian.
If the person picking up your child is unfamiliar to our staff, this person will be asked to produce personal identification.
To avoid confusion for both your child and the staff, please inform the centre whenever your child is to be picked up by someone other than yourself. If your child is or will be absent on any given day, please notify the centre your child attends before they are expected by the staff. This will avoid any confusion when attendance is taken and your child is unaccounted for.
Late Pick Up
Our centres close at 6:00pm daily. Anytime a child is picked up after closing time, parents will be charged $10 for each 15 minutes or portion thereof after 6:00pm.
Please note, repeat offenders may be asked to withdraw their child from the centre.
If an emergency arises, you are expected to notify the centre as soon as possible and make other arrangements to have your child picked up no later than 6:00pm.
If you have not communicated with us before 6:00pm we are required to call the family and then the authorized alternate pick-up person(s). If all efforts are unsuccessful and we have not heard from you by 6:15pm the staff MUST notify the Ministry of Children and Family Development and a message will be left for the family.
Staff members are not permitted to drive or walk your child home.
Signing Your Child In and Out
To ensure the safety of each child in our care, every child must be signed both in and out of the centre by an authorized adult.
Each centre keeps attendance electronically. Parents must verbally sign in and out their child(ren) with a centre staff member.
Once signed out the children are no longer our responsibility and we will accept no liability for anything from that point on.
We must have written permission on file if you plan to have your child walk home at a specific time as part of the routine; however, no child will be allowed to walk home without an adult after dark.