Coffee Filter Art

Hey TTK Families!

Are you interested in doing crafts at home, but don’t have a lot of craft materials? Look no further than your kitchen! In our new video we show you how to make three different type of crafts at home with coffee filters!


How to Dye Coffee Filters: 


Coffee filters
Paint brush or spray bottle
Wax paper


1. Lay out wax paper, flatten coffee filter, and draw or colour until the filter is all covered.
2. Spray filter with water until it is saturated.
3. Set aside to let dry, or use hair dyer on a low setting.


How to Make Sun Catchers:


Dyed coffee filters
Construction paper


1. Draw a design onto construction paper. Make sure the design is simple as only the silhouette is prominent when displayed.
2. Cut out your design, and glue onto the filter.
3. Hang them in your window and enjoy!


How to Make Carnation Style Flowers:


Dyed coffee filters
Tape, glue, or a stapler


1. Stack 1 to 10 filters together.
2. Fold in Half, then half again.
3. Fold edge to the middle fold just made, flip over, and repeat.
4. Secure at the bottom, and fluff the petals.


How to Make Multi Petal’d Flowers 


Dyed coffee filters
Tape, glue, or a stapler


1. Take one filter and fold it like an accordion.
2. Secure the middle, and fluff out the petals. Set aside.
3. Repeat the steps 1 -2 more times.
4. Secure the middle of all the accordions. Connect the petals if desired.


Watch the video here:


As always feel free to share your creations with us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook!