Staff Favourite: Jennifer

Hello TTK Families!

This week we are bringing you another installment of our blog series – staff favourite activities!

Next up is… Jennifer!

Jennifer has been working with Tomorrow’s Topkids since 2019, first joining us as part of our Summer Adventures team as a Support Worker, then joining us during the school year at our Ferris Clubhouse, and can now be found at our Errington Clubhouse!

Her favourite go-to group game is… California Kickball!

The game is played similarly to baseball, only with your feet and a bigger ball! You can play this game with an entire class, or a modified version with two people.

For set up, you will need a baseball diamond playing area. You can use an actual baseball diamond, or any other space you have. You’ll need at least 4 cones or other markers to indicate your bases. Make sure whatever you choose can be stepped on! You’ll want to se up your bases so there is a lot of room to run, but if you are only playing with a few friends you can put them closer together to make the game a little easier.

When you’re ready, the pitcher is going to roll the ball and the kicker tries to kick it as far away as possible!

If the ball is caught before it hits the ground (if it was kicked up) then the kicker is out. If the ball touches the ground and gets picked up by the opposite team, the kicker needs to run to the nearest base! If they reach a base before they are tagged with the ball, they are safe! Then, the next kicker can take their turn!

If you aren’t playing with enough people to have at each base, modify your running zone to work for your players.

Have fun!