Staff Favourite Kish

Hello TTK Families!

This week we are bringing you another installment of our blog series – staff favourite activities!

Next up is… Kish!

Kish has been working with Tomorrow’s Topkids since 2019, first joining us for Summer Adventures, then continuing on with us first at our McKinney Clubhouse and now at our Grauer Clubhouse.  You can usually find him playing tag outside or doing some of his favourite activities like science or gardening.

One of his favourite go-to activities is vegetable seed science and regeneration.

Here are some of our favourite vegetables that regrow on their own with just water!

  1. Celery – instead of peeling off the stalks one by one, slice off the bottom and place it in a shallow dish of water. Once you start seeing sprouts pop up, transfer it to a put with soil and grow your celery!
  2. Green Onions – Leave the white base at the bottom of the green onion (or scallion) and place in water. Once the roots start to show, place in some soil and enjoy your fresh green onions! Leeks and Lemongrass grow back the same way!
  3. Lettuce – just like celery, slice off the bottom and place in water until it begins to grow and then repot in soil. You will have fresh leaves popping up soon!
  4. Carrots – slice off the top and place it in water. Carrots are a root vegetable so they will start to grow more roots (carrot) as well as tops. You won’t get much more carrot, but the sprouts look quite nice and can be added to salads!
  5. Ginger – soak the remaining piece of ginger overnight. Plant in soil and make sure to keep moist until shoots start to grow. It will take a while to grow properly, but it will be really delicious once you’re ready!
  6. Pineapple – slice off the top layer, break off the bottom leaves, and then plant!

What will you try to regrow?