Staff Favourite: Vanneza

Hello TTK Families!

This week we are bringing you another installment of our blog series – staff favourite activities!

Next up is… Vanneza!

Vanneza has been working with Tomorrow’s Topkids since the fall of 2019, when she became the Head Supervisor at our Spul’u’kwuks Clubhouse.  You can usually find her outside on the playground, leading art activities, or in the kitchen!

Vanneza loves anything to do with kids in the kitchen. One of her favourite go-to activities is making pizzas.

Anything can be a pizza crust – English muffins, tortillas, garlic bread, crackers, sliced potatoes… get creative with your pizza, its fun to change it up!

Toppings are flexible too! You can do a dessert pizza with icing and fruit or chocolate chips, a classic cheese pizza with tomato sauce and mozzarella, or go with your classic fixings – pepperoni, ham, pineapple…

Most of our TTK participants prefer a cheese or pepperoni pizza, but don’t knock a fruit pizza until you try it!

What’s your favourite pizza?