Video Chat Game Challenge

Hey TTK Families!

A few of us here at TTK were really missing being together at our centres, so we wanted to try playing a game with zoom! The game we decided to play is super fun and really easy to do at home with your friends and family.

TTK Drawing Challenge

All you need is paper, a marker, a hard surface to draw on, and a device that you can use for video calling.


  1. Describe a picture for everyone to draw, and designate one person to explain the picture.
  2. Close your eyes and do not peek at your drawing!
  3. After, share your results and the closest to the description wins!

Now we challenge you to do the same! Share your results with us through our Instagram, twitter, or facebook.

Watch us playing the game here:

IG: @tomorrowstopkids Twitter: @livetopkids Facebook: Tomorrow’s Topsides Child Care Society